Wednesday, August 13, 2008

setting goals

I'm having to write my goals in six areas for my "Foundations for Ministry" class:

1. Spiritual Formation
2. Relational Health
3. Integrity of Character
4. Personal health and well-being
5. Vocational Experiences and Competency
6. Ecclesial Connections

Its hard. Whenever I'm writing goals down, I have to avoid a lot of optimism and steer more towards practical things I will actually do. I've written 10 pages on all these goals and after finishing, I'm laughing inside because my first goal should be that I actually look over all this work again.

I'm going to try to get Jarred J. and Josh A. to help me follow through on some of the specifics that I've set.

One of my personal health goals is to eat one bad meal per week. That is probably the most difficult goal I've set. To be honest I've been convicted several times over the past few weeks over the verse, "their god is their stomach." Philippians 3:19. I used to fast, I haven't fasted in a very long time.

Anyways, I'm sure you've heard the saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Well, thankfully I was assigned to plan, but try writing down some goals yourself...

Denise has written down a goal, tracking daily her grocery budget. She challenged herself by knocking down the previous month's expenses for groceries 25% and she's on pace now to make her goal! Its such a little thing, but its added a little fun to our day.

"Do it, do it."

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