Friday, April 4, 2008

the wonderful analog world

So the other night Denise and I are simmering down afer a long day at work and we decide to give the ole' tv a shot. Presto. Channel 111 yielded an old episode of "The Office". Yes, we had found CBS. It was a little fuzzy so we pulled the tv out of its cave and lengthened the amazing antennas to 4 feet! We then sat back and watched FREE tv. Unreal this feeling is.

On another note, I witnessed while driving on Albemarle road a showdown. 10:00pm. One big man, two cops. Out of my peripheral, I see the cops jump the big guy, twice the size, easy, of either cop, tackle and wrestle him to the ground trying to get cuffs on. The big guy shrugs them both off like a leather jacket and proceeds to beat both cops in the face and ribs as I'm on the phone with Denise, speechless. Thankfully, one cop pulls a tazer and fires it into the large scary man and he starts jolting. I've never seen a tazer go off but its loud, and for a second I thought the cop had just shot the guy!!

Then, the unthinkable, the big man gets up with the tazer wires hanging from his back while the cop is pulling his electro-stunner trigger trying to subdue him. Big hoss starts hitting the cop again! This is totally going to be on a cops episode next year. I had to go after I saw this part of the standoff, to my chagrin but I didn't read or see any news about two beaten or dead cops today. So that's good. All in all let's just say that I felt a little burdened to pray for those two cops, knowing they both probably got kids at home. Unbelievable job?

Its one thing to watch two drunk white dudes fight but when there are cops involved, and weapons, it definitely effected me all day today. But hey, its not about me. Just thought it was interesting how I couldn't get the violence out of my mind when I'm surrounded by it in movies. What must it be like to experience that? Wow.

1 comment:

James Edward Dillard said...

that's absolutely crazy. i was walking the streets of chapel hill a couple weeks ago and watched a police officer antagonize and then arrest a young black man (although, in fairness, the young black man said something under his breath i couldn't hear but the police man could).

but, assuming the guy did beat the police down... do you think they'd report it?