Sunday, April 6, 2008

stuff christians like - this is hilarious. go ahead, peruse. included in his list are: side hugs, getting people to like us, kissing dating goodbye, donald miller, chic-fil-a and slowly turning against oprah. wuahahaha.


ally said...

oh my gosh. i couldn't be more excited about this. absolutely hilarious. how did you find it?

Shawn said...

The guy that writes that blog is Josh Acuff's cousin (our old neighbor *tear*), and also related to Mark Acuff up in Chapel Thrill. Maybe that's how you found the site.

Bird Girl said...

So wonderful. More than words can say.

brandon said...

mark, i feel like i owe you money or something for this. well, maybe i actually owe money to the guy who writes this stuff.

i also had a dream. my dream was that Mark Flanders had a blog i can read.

here's hoping your dreams come true about the car the way mine did about the blog.

your cousin's husband/late 90s youth leader guy/friend,