Wednesday, May 19, 2010


so today is a big day. it's our 3 year anniversary. and also, i am due today. although i am pretty sure there is not going to be any baby action today. pearl seems to be taking her time. so we will probably go out to dinner at mama ricotta's to celebrate 3 yrs of marriage and i will order a salad and an entree AND a dessert and people will ask me, "when are you due?" and i'll say, "today," and they'll give me a wide-eyed look like, "wow, shouldn't you be at home in bed waiting for that baby to pop out?" i've been getting that look for the past week. people are so funny. as if being really pregnant means you shouldn't go to parties or to the grocery store.

i will also probably go to harris teeter today. twice. i mean it's super doubles week, and if i miss out today, i might lose my chance.

when i call people (i.e. my mom) i've started opening the conversation with, "hi, don't worry i'm not in labor." last week i called mark at work and he was with a customer but he answered and said, "are you okay?" and i was like, "yeah, i'm fine, you don't have to answer your phone when you're busy, i can leave a message." and he says, "uh, denise, you're 9 months pregnant. i have to answer my phone."

so any day now people, any day.


summerae said...

i can't wait to see pictures of your sweet girl! love you guys.

ashley said...

so exciting! i slept with a towel under the sheets there at the end, just in case if my water broke in bed. and it did. just a thought! so happy for you guys!

Amy said...

Congrats on such a fun day. Not to mention the start of SD at HT :) Also, did you see the 3.49 diapers at CVS? Can't wait to hear the news that she's here!!

Kelly said...

ahhh can't wait!!

Sarah Leech said...

yay...we can't wait!!! so so so exciting!! once things settle down, you might have to give me some pointers on couponing...i think i may need to get on board! keep us posted on the arrival of little miss flan!! :)

Katie said...

I am so excited for you Denise!!! I know you are so ready to meet that precious baby girl :) I'll keep checking in to see when she comes. Lots of love :)

Danielle said...

shucks, when I saw the title of the blog I was sure the baby had come! we'll keep checking back to see when she comes, we're so happy for you guys! congratulations on 3 years of marriage!