Friday, March 26, 2010

my husband's quirks

i figured now's as good a time as any for updating you on some of mark's quirks.

whenever he does laundry he sorts like items together even if they don't actually go together. for example, towels. there are bath towels and kitchen towels. he puts them all together, and whichever there are more of, that's where he puts them away. so i frequently find our bath towels and washcloths in one of our kitchen drawers. and i find our kitchen towels in our linen closet with our bath towels. i have learned to be okay with this.

so he also puts all white socks together. mine AND his. everytime i go to my sock drawer and can't find my white socks, i remember, oh right, he puts all the white socks in his drawer. i cannot figure out why he does this.

he is a man of extremes. for example, somewhat recently he decided he wanted to eat healthier. i said, okay, and made some recommendations, such as not eating two bowls of ice cream every day, not ordering chicken alfredo when he's out to lunch, etc. he said, "no, i need something harder than that." so he decided to go vegetarian and went and bought a bunch of vegetables to start making "vegetable smoothies." i consider myself a healthy eater, but his "smoothies" were disgusting. they looked like puke. (by the way, this phase lasted about 2 weeks.)

another extremes example - last night he thought he was starting to get sick, had a stuffy nose, etc. I recommended nyquil. He was like, no, I'll just eat some garlic cloves. So he ate three garlic cloves. PLAIN. that was his remedy.

he surprised me the other day though at his attention to detail in one case. i recently ran out of my usual shampoo, and bought a different kind (pantene pro-v) that i used to buy all the time. literally, the first day i used it, he says to me, "did you change shampoos? you're hair smells like what it used to smell like when you lived at the fountain." and yes, he was correct. after one day of the shampoo he could remember that the last time he smelled it was FOUR years ago.


Erin Hall said...

aw. that is stinkin' sweet about the shampoo.

also: love the couponing info! I'm inspired

staci with an i said...

we are so vanilla compared to you ;-)

casey said...

i love that. now for denise's quirks- she puts egg shells back into the fridge and pours grease down the sink. brrrruuuhhahaha :)

Unknown said...

hahah...Mark beware, for a long time the girl told me I was "quirky" but turns out they really just meant I was crazy. I also love the shampoo part. I think I shall marry me a "Mark/Tanner/Shawn."


Kim Tapp said...

so cute. wade makes smoothies that look like puke too. except his aren't all veggies... they're fruit smoothies with a bunch of spinach thrown in (and sometimes oats). they're actually not terrible, but he swears they're delicious. i have not been converted.

Ryan and Amy said...

I think we need one more pre-baby post...because soon the hilarious Mark posts will be few and far between and they'll all be Pearl posts...which I'm definitely not opposed to. :) 5/16/10