Saturday, January 31, 2009


Denise is really into 24 now. A little delayed. Although I didn't start getting into it until last season. We now stand before an inevitable marathon of veg-ing out on 6 entire 24 hour periods to catch up with the current season. There's a part of me that doesn't wish to undertake this grand adventure. While at the same time, it is so hilarious to watch Denise cringe, writh, and wince at every move Jack makes.

We started with the first 4 episodes last night. We'll see what happens with this. At least we know Jack survives, and Tony Alameda. ha

Well, I need to run, I'm hanging out at AAA Automark and they just dropped a 234.00 bomb on me. Come on Murphy, leave me alone for just a second!



Marty said...

We got hooked as well. Too bad Ryan didn't want to catch up on all the seasons. (We did that with Lost!)

summerae said...

it is totally worth your time! derek and i watched the first 6 seasons in our first year of marriage.

love it:)

Josh said...

You will not regret it... and you can learn some moves JACK!

Unknown said...

My junior year of college, I spent ALL of New Years Day with 3 roommates and their boyfriends watching the ENTIRE second season of 24- just in time for season 3. We had our meals planned out, and we literally sat on the couch, floor, chairs, and stood off and on for 21 hours.

You'll love it. This season is better than last year's.