Saturday, December 20, 2008

merry christmas

so i really tried to get a christmas card out this year. i L-O-V-E christmas cards and am very thankful for all of you who sent me one. mark and i even took the above photo and i was going to upload it to shutterfly, make a card, mail it out, etc. but we are busy and it didn't happen as consider this your christmas card from us :-)

a story. the other night mark and i were laying in bed and he has his eyes closed, is drifting off to sleep but he says to me, "will you sing me a song?" and i almost died laughing because he sounded kind of pitiful and has never asked me to do that before. i started singing, "..miss independent, miss i'm sufficient, miss keep-your-distance..." (which for those of you who don't know is an excellent kelly clarkson song) but mark goes "stop! stop!" i thought he just didn't like my song choice but then he goes, "i can't believe this is happening to me. i mean, i've always heard this existed but i've never experienced it for myself." i was like, "what?!" and he says, "tone deafness. i never knew it was real. but that's what you have." he then proceeded to try to give me a music lesson. he would hum a note and then he would make me try to hum at the same pitch. this went on for about 20 minutes and finally we decided i was not making any progress and i would just have to live with this condition.


kalle said...

i love that your song choice was miss independent. and i have to second mark's observation. tone deaf, d. but it's endearing. you can sing to me anytime. especially kelly clarkson.

kristen said...

start videotaping your life. seriously. that is so funny i can't even laugh.

Unknown said...

i second that comment. if your blog was only pure video, I would be obsessed. you guys are hilarious! Wish I was still in Charlotte to partake in it.

Thanks for my christmas card! I loved it. ....if only I could tape my computer to the refrigerator :)

miss you girl!

Jessi said...

i literally just peed my pants, Denise. Literally. I ask Nick to sing me to sleep 1 in every 10 nights. I wish he'd pull out some Kelly. He just never even obliges my request.