Tuesday, May 13, 2008

control + s

i don't have much to say but i wanted to get that jesus camp bumped down a little on the screen. so i'll tell you something weird about myself. among the many other things that i do not trust in this world (like how manholes were allegedly made round for a purpose. i mean, yeah right.) is "control + s." or in my case, since i have a mac, it is "apple +s." i do not use apple + s because when i do it, i see no results or confirmation that my document has actually been saved. so every time i do apple + s, i also go up to my navigation bar and click File -> Save. Only then do i feel the security and peace that my paper has actually been saved. To make this OCD even worse, i have a fear that my computer will crash at any time and i will lose my work, so i email like every single draft i do to myself. that way, if it disappears from my computer, it's still there in cyberspace.


staci with an i said...


Tanner said...

You'll never know when you need little tid bits of information like why man holes covers are round, so be thankful that you are now more informed!

denisha3000 said...

staci, anyone can write anything on wikipedia. come on. don't you see the writing on the wall.

staci with an i said...

really?! that is not true mercedes. come on. this is simple geometry.

kalle said...

denise, you can also save your work onto a cd. this way if anything happens to cyber space, you will still have all that important work.
also if you look closely when you press apple s you can see your curser do a quick little something that lets you know it saved.you have to have hawk eyes though:)