Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Hey ya'll. Well we heard back a lot quicker than expected. I'm a little sad but we tried! Our offer was too low and the bank was already negociating a closing date with some chump who offered more than we did. Oh well. We're starting over. It was fun though! I still reccommend low-balling. We'll keep you posted.


donald.eslicK said...

hahaha... yea i'd say i've put a couple of offers on a house before thats been rejected... just keep on keepin' on... let me know if you need any help, laura and i have owned a number of homes so we've been through the crap and back... y'all have fun on the trip!

Unknown said...

Yay! I'm so glad you are blogging, Denise. Since I moved to Atlanta, all these blogs are great for me to keep up with friends. I found yours through Jessi's and through Shawn and Kalle's. How's the trip??