Thursday, June 17, 2010

verity at four weeks

now that i have a child, i am amazed at people who have children and still manage to blog. who has the time? not me. right now i often feel like i'm sleepwalking through my day. a LOT of days i find myself sitting on the couch in my sweatpants, having just made my coffee and eggs and it is noon. and i feel like i have not done anything yet. except fed and changed a baby of course.

anyway, i'd like to write more but i'm simply too tired. here are some pics of our sweet daughter with her grandma and great grandma. enjoy.


staci with an i said...

well you did manage to revamp your blogs appearance, which is impressive. love that little birdie.

Ryan and Amy said...

Yay! She's precious! Love the pictures!

Erin said...

she's beautiful! You're all beautiful! Take care!

Elvis, Ashley, and Suzy said...

i know what you mean...during the first few months, just getting everybody bathed and fed everyday was a big accomplishment. it gets better! you will arise from the couch again one day!

Erin said...

good job denise! i say give it three months before you can function like a normal person. right now, just hold hold hold as much as you can! yum.

kellycowan said...

i'm actually impressed you made eggs. she's gorgeous.

teresa1956 said...

I think you are a terrific wife and mommy. Mark and Verity are so blessed! Those are some very special moms in that picture, and one very beautiful little girl.