Tuesday, November 4, 2008

i voted

so today i voted. who did i vote for? cherie berry. i just cannot bear the thought of stepping onto an elevator and not seeing her face staring back at me on the elevator door. 

on another note, my voting experience was awesome. it was about 1 mile from my house and it took about 5 minutes. that was a pleasant surprise. i had packed like four hours worth of stuff to do in purse just in case. but it was not needed.


Elvis, Ashley, and Suzy said...

me too! i felt really strongly about voting for her. although now that i think about it, im not exactly sure what her job is, other than signing the papers in the elevators. but man she does one heck of a job at it!

Tanner said...

You missed out! 4.5 hours was a lot more fun on Saturday but unfortunately I threw away my sticker so now I can't take advantage of the free sandwich at Chick Fil-a or Ice Cream at Ben and Jerry's. Oh well! At least we voted and I too voted for our elevator friend Cheri Berry!

Kelly said...

oh cherie berry. i miss her presence in elevators. they just aren't the same out here in California.

Kate said...

haha! i voted for cherie too! go cherie, go cherie...

and yeah, it only took me 5 minutes to vote too! i even got a parking spot right by the door. :)

isn't election day great? i got free coffee from starbucks, free ice cream from ben an jerry's, and a free glass of wine with dinner. too bad we'll have to wait another 4 years for such treatment...

staci with an i said...

i voted for cherry berry too! she's so great. i've never been in an elevator that has fallen to the ground. ever. and who do i have to thank for that, cheri berry
five minutes, eh? glad you had four hours worth of things to do, because it took tanner and i longer than that... but it was worth it for cheri. but today tanner said she didn't win :( oh well, c.b., maybe you can retire & stay home w/ your grandkids.

Kim Tapp said...

me too! i also went all the way to chicfila to find out the free sandwich promotion with an i voted sticker was a hoax :(.

ally said...

I almost voted for her but changed my mind last minute and wrote in oscar meyer. I hope I don't regret that...

denisha3000 said...

Tanner- is that true that she didn't win??? what is the world coming to!

Tanner said...

Great news! As of me going to sleep last night it was not looking good for Cheri Berry but she pulled it out in the end and will contnue to ride elevators with us for the next four years! Way to go Cheri!

Lauren H said...

I also have always been intrigued by "cherie berry" and actually got the great privilidge of waiting on her at a banquet during my "banquet serving days" in Boone. I was like wow thats the elevator lady. She joked about how everyone tries to pronounce her name as 'cherry berry' instead of 'cherie' :)

Kate said...

yeah, actually i think cherie pulled it out 51% to 49%--so, unlike the presidential election, our votes really did matter to cherie. :) makes you feel good, doesnt it?