Saturday, December 15, 2007

Call us Flan

I don't know if we'll be able to keep up as much as we'd like to but we knew that if you wanted a quick update on our life and say didn't have the chance to call us up and talk for an hour then you could always just hit our site and learn.

So here's a few quick updates-

After talking and praying about our future ministry and the possibility of moving to Asia, we have decided to stay in Charlotte for now. We love the people and the culture in Asia and sharing the love of Christ with them so bad, but we don't think it's the right time. We keep praying for the Lord to send us. :-) But for now, we consider ourselves missionaries in Charlotte and it's fun and challenging to have that mindset in the place you've lived in for years.

February 1 we are both starting seminary at Gordon-Conwell in Charlotte. We are both nervous and excited to go back to school. But we are totally excited about learning and being challenged and trained. It's a nights and weekends school, so we'll both continue to work. Mark at Bonitz (a new job he starts in January) and me at the YMCA where I've been working the past year and a half.

Kalle and Shawn, two of our best friends, are moving to Seattle in January. We are very sad to lose them to the west coast but we are thrilled for their adventure and for the 9-day road trip we'll be taking with them out west as they move. Staci is going with us and we are excited for the road trip across the country!

Mark's older sister Amy is pregnant! There will be a new little baby in the house as of the end of June and the family is totally excited. (I feel like I've said "excited" about thirty times in this post. I need to get a thesaurus out or something.)

That's the big stuff for now. Merry Christmas!


Unknown said...

so EXCITED for yall. ;) i would love to see you guys soon and update you on my life. check out my blog; it's not very updated, but it looks incredibly similar to yours. :)

Marty said...

I am so glad y'all are blogging! It will be fun to stay more informed about your daily happenings!

Becky C said...

Hello! I miss you and can't wait to see you in 2008! Are we still on for Wednesday nights?? I hope so! Talk to you soon

Mike J said...
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Mike J said...

Flanders: I'm an idiot. I just posted a comment asking you to look me up IF you ever come out to Seattle, then i realized that you're taking the road trip out here with Shawn! So can we hang out when you get here?

It's sad to see Shawn go, but he will be well taken care of with the Cowans. They are great folks that I used to serve in the youth ministry with a few years back. I'm a jr high youth pastor at Mars Hill now. Reagan North is a high school youth pastor. Crazy where life takes you, eh?

-Mike Johnson