Tuesday, September 23, 2008

my recent letter to our senators

Dear Senator Dole/Burr,

I don't know if you'll actually read this but I'm contacting you in regards to the economic relief issue you're working long hours to understand and remedy for our country. As a Republican voter and supporter for NC I'd like you to know that I am against the government stepping in to relieve these companies.
As a child, I was disciplined for things I did wrong, which taught me to change my behavior and do things the right way the next time. If we bail out these companies, practices similar to theirs will continue to be practiced, in different manifestations as soon as they are allowed to function again. If we let the companies die, I am willing as a citizen to let that affect me financially in order for the American economy as a whole to be disciplined and reformed. We are much better off disciplined and free than spoiled and controlled. Let's learn from history and let the collective aggregate knowledge of the "Invisible Hand" work under God's direction and sovereignty.
This is all the power I hold, to simply write to you and make my voice, maybe, be heard.


Mark Flanders